About Sticky Co.

My name is Sofia and I started Sticky Co. in June 2022 in the back of the car on the way to school.  I was telling my mum how I wanted my own website so we thought about what my website could be for..... "maybe you could sell something like stickers?" mum said and I screamed "YES" because I was so excited!

When I got home from school I couldn't wait to tell dad about my new business and then he said "You should sell kids tattoos and patches too"  which was a great idea.  Then I had to think of a business name "hmm....what about Sticky and company? I said.  "ohh what about Sticky Co." mum said 

And so Sticky Co. was bo

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My name is Claudia, my sister Sofia has promoted me to be the new CEO for 2024.

You'll see me at the local markets on the Gold Coast, QLD Australia.

At the markets I ask all my customers what they would like to see available on our site and I get to hop online and find all the goodies for us to sell. I secretly find things that I would like to keep for myself also.

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